Daily VisitsInstead of boarding your cats, dogs, birds and pocket pets separately, let your pets all stay home together when you travel. It's less costly and healthier for them to stay together! No pickup or drop off to arrange either!
The Crowned Hound sitters provide pet care through one or more daily visits to your home. A more loving alternative to boarding, we offer:
Better Care As They AgeCats are individuals and, like people, they experience advancing years in their own unique ways. Many cats begin to encounter age-related physical changes between seven and ten years of age, and most do so by the time they are 12. Cat sitters are often the first to notice these changes and report them to pet owners. The commonly held belief that every “cat year” is worth seven “human years” is not entirely accurate. In reality, a one-year-old cat is physiologically similar to a 16-year-old human, and a two-year-old cat is like a person of 21. For every year thereafter, each cat year is worth about four human years. Using this formula, cat sitting a ten-year-old cat is similar age wise to caring for a 53-year-old person, cat sitting a 12-year-old cat is akin to caring for to a 61-year-old person, and cat sitting a 15-year-old cat is comparable to caring for a person of 73.
Regular RoutineAging is a natural process. Although many complex physical changes accompany advancing years, age in and of itself is not a disease. The key to making sure your cat has the healthiest and highest quality of life possible is to reduce factors that may be health risks, such as boarding your cat with others who may pass something along to your kitty. Reduction of other risk factors -such as detecting disease as early or delay the progression of diseases- can be done with regular veterinary checkups, at least annually. Finally, improving or maintaining the health of the body’s systems with a good diet can help. By choosing a cat sitter to visit your home, your pets stay on their regular eating schedule, with their regular food. Because they are not stressed out by a chnage in environment, they are eating normally and peacefully each day.
Keep HealthierCompared to younger cats, the immune system of older cats is less able to fend off foreign invaders. Chronic diseases often associated with aging can impair immune function even further. Dehydration, a consequence of many diseases common to older cats, further diminishes blood circulation and immunity. The skin of an older cat is thinner and less elastic, has reduced blood circulation, and is more prone to infection.
Older cats groom themselves less effectively than do younger cats, sometimes resulting in hair matting, skin odor, and inflammation. By hiring a cat sitter from Pets By The Sea to come to your home, you cat can avoid aggravating these risk factors and avoid cross contamination with other cats. |
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